Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Taste Your Memories: with Ann McGinley

From Siying

Snow pea and Shiitake mushroom Rice 香菇扁豆饭 

Snowpea rice cooked by Ann

  • Snow pea 100g. 
  • Shiitake mushroom 2. Soak overnight. 
  • Minced pork 50g (You can take this out if you are a vegetarian. Or replace the pork with dried bean curd. 1 square. Chopped into small pieces.) *There are many brands of dried bean curd. 
  • Soy sauce 2 tbs + 
  • Chinese cooking wine 2 tbs 
  • Sesame oil few drops 
  • Rice 1 cup 
  • Vegetable/olive oil 1/2 cup 
  1. Clean snow pea. Peel off the vine on the sides. Cut them into short pieces. Chop Shiitake mushroom into small pieces. Rinse rice.
  2. Pour oil in a deep pot. Heat the oil. Put tofu/pork in. Stir for a while. Add cooking wine and 1tsp soy sauce. Stir for 1-2 minutes
  3. Add snow pea and Shiitake mushroom to the pot. Give it a quick light stir till snow pea and mushroom half cooked.
  4. Add rice in the pot. Stir for a minute. Add 2 tbs soy sauce.
  5. If you have a rice cooker, pour everything from the pot into the rice cooker. Add water. The weight of water is 1.3-1.5 to the weight of the rice mix. Or judge by the common sense. the amount of water is slightly less than how much you add to cook steamed rice. Set to rice cooking mode.
  6. If you don’t have a rice cooker, add water into the pot. The same amount as mentioned above. Cook it till it is done.
  7. Serve it with sesame oil. 

From Ann 

Chicken Pilafi 鸡肉皮拉菲

Chicken Pilafi cooked by Siying

Ingredients 食材
  • Chicken stock (about 2 cups) can be hot or cold / 鸡汤冷热都可以 
  • 1 Medium size white onion chopped finely / 中等大小的洋葱。切碎 
  • 1 cup long grain rice / 长米 一杯 
  • ½ cup currants / 黑加仑 ½杯 
  • ½ cup toasted pine nuts (you can fry or cook in oven – they burn very quickly so be careful. They should only be golden when cooked not brown). / 烤松子 ½杯 
Method: 做法
  1. First make a chicken stock (I don’t add any salt to the recipe so you’ll need to add as much salt/pepper as you like to the stock). The success of the taste of this recipe depends on the stock. I remember it being medium salty. / 先做鸡汤 (由于这个食谱没有盐。所以煮鸡汤的时候要点盐和胡椒)。这个菜的味道关键是鸡汤。鸡汤是中等的咸味。 
  2. Fry a couple of tablespoons of olive oil over a medium heat and fry and the onion until soft but not burnt. / 加两勺的橄榄油中火加热。加入洋葱翻炒到软。不要烧焦 
  3. Then add 1 cup of uncooked white rice and stir through the onion and oil mix until it is coated in oil – I minute or so. / 加入生米。翻炒。让洋葱,油和米拌匀。大概炒1分钟 
  4. Add enough stock to cook the rice by the absorption method – about 2 cups stock to I cup rice. / 加大约2杯的鸡汤煮米 
  5. Bring the rice to the boil and then turn down to a very low heat to simmer add the currants and cover – my mother always covered the pot with a clean tea towel and then the lid (I don’t know why she used the tea towel). / 等到汤煮开。转小火焖煮。加入黑加仑。盖上盖子。盖子上再加盖上干净的棉布。 
  6. Keep tasting the rice to see if cooked – when cooked add the toasted pine nuts. / 煮的时候可以尝一下看米是否煮熟。煮好后加烤好的松子。
  7. Eat and enjoy!!

A veggie version that I make all the time now is the same but I don’t use chicken stock and I add silverbeet to the rice with the currants and cooked chickpeas at the end. / 素食的版本和这个差不多。把鸡汤换成甜菜汤。把松子换成鹰嘴豆

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Taste Your Memories: with Nagesh Seethiah

Siying's recipe:

Steamed ribs with rice powder 粉蒸排骨


  • The rice powder: 

  1. Glutinous rice and Round rice (Arborio or basmati) (2:1 proportion)
  2. Five spice powder (1 tbs)
* You can also buy the ready-made powder in Asian groceries. There are many different packaging styles. Here are some photos of these products that you may see in the shops. 

  • Pork ribs 500g 
  • Ginger x 3 slices
  • Shallots x 3
  • Sauces 

  1. Soy sauce x 4 tbs
  2. Dark soy sauce x 1tsb
  3. White pepper x few
  4. Salt or chicken bouillon powder x 1 tsp
  5. Chinese cooking wine x 2 tbs

  • The rice powder
  1. Soak both glutinous rice and round rice in cold water for at least 24hr *soak the rice the longer the better
  2. Warm the pot and put round rice in and stir. 
  3. Stir for a while then add glutinous rice
  4. Keep stirring till the rice turns into golden colour
  5. Grind them into fine particles 
  6. Mix in five spice
  •  Marinate ribs
  1. Chop the ribs into small pieces, around 5cm long.
  2. Chop ginger and shallots into small fine pieces
  3. Mix them with ribs in a bowl
  4. Add all sauces in and soak for 3-4 hr

  1. Dip each rib into the rice powder. Make sure the powder covers all surfaces. Then, place it in a bowl.
  2. Lay the ribs inside the bowl into multiple layers. Sprinkle a thin layer of the powder between the layers.
  3. Once finish laying the last top rib layer, top up the bowl with the rest of the powder and pour in the left juice from marination.
  4. Put the bowl in the steamer for about 2-3 hours. Start in high heat. Turn down to the low after the water is boiled. 

Nagesh's recipe:

Mauritian Taro Fritters & Fermented Chilli Sauce (Gateau Arouille) 毛里求斯炸芋圆和酿辣椒酱

Ingredients 食材:
  • Fritters 炸芋圆 
  1. 500g taro root  (large taro root, avail at Asian supermarkets and vendors at markets) 大芋头 500
  2. 30g ginger 生姜 30
  3. 30g shallots   30
  4. 3-4 tablespoon corn flour 玉米粉 4 
  5. ½ teaspoon raw sugar 红糖 ½茶匙
  6. 1 teaspoon salt  1茶匙
  7. Oil for deep frying (anything EXCEPT olive oil) 
  • Chilli sauce - make at least week ahead (or use Sriracha) 辣椒酱。可以提前一个星期做。 或者买现成的是拉差香甜辣椒酱
  1. 400g long red chillies 长红椒 400
  2. 100g birds eye chillies 小红椒 100
  3. Salt - 2% weight of water 盐 – 2%水的重量
  4. Water (filtered or boiled & cooled) 过滤水或冷却的开水
  5. 3 cloves garlic, peeled 蒜瓣 3
  6. Vinegar 白醋适量

Method 做法:
  • For the chilli sauce 辣椒酱 (提前一个星期做)
  1. Wash chillies and take off stems. Roughly chop chillies to a similar size. Cram chillies and garlic into a sterilised jar. 辣椒洗干净。 去蒂。切小块。把辣椒和蒜瓣放到消毒的罐子里。罐子的大小要让辣椒和蒜挤满。
  2. Add water to jar so that it covers the chillies. Pour out the water into a bowl set on。在罐子里加水。水要漫过辣椒。 再把水倒到一个碗里。
  3. Scales. Take note of weight. Add 2% of that weight in salt. Whisk to dissolve thoroughly. 量水的重量。倒入2%水的重量的盐。搅拌让盐溶解.
  4. Pour back into jar. Put lid on and leave to ferment on your kitchen bench. 把水倒回罐子里。盖子盖上.
  5. About a week later, strain chillies from brine and reserve brine. Place chillies in a blender with half the brine and a dash of vinegar. Blend till very smooth. Taste, season with vinegar for acidity and salt or more brine.
  6. 一个星期后。把辣椒从罐子捞出来。放入搅拌机,倒入一半酿的汁。加一些白醋。搅拌顺滑。尝一下。调整味道。如果淡的话,可以加点盐或醋。再搅拌.
  7. You can strain the sauce for a smoother texture or leave it as is. 如果想让酱顺滑,可以让酱过滤一下.
  8. Sriracha is also a perfect hot sauce for these fritters! 如果没空做辣椒酱,是拉差香甜辣椒酱也可以用来蘸这个炸芋圆.

  • For the fritters 炸芋圆
  1. Peel taro root and leave whole. Use the large holes on a box grater to grate the whole taro. You might want to wear gloves because the liquid can be mildly irritating. 芋头削皮。剥丝。用最大的孔剥。建议戴手套。
  2. Add sugar and salt and mix thoroughly. 加糖和盐搅拌
  3. Thinly slice shallots lengthwise. Peel and julienne ginger as finely as you can. Mix into taro mix. Start heating oil in a wok or saucepan to 180c. 葱姜切丝。放入芋头丝里搅拌。锅里开始热油.
  4. Gradually add cornflour to the mix, mixing with your hands. The cornflour helps bind the mixture. You might need all four spoons or slightly more. 慢慢在芋头丝里加入玉米面。用手拌匀。 
  5. Heat oil in a wok or saucepan to 180c. Fry a small tester fritter to check for seasoning. Adjust salt or sugar, they shouldn’t be too salty. 锅里的油到180度后。开始炸。可以先炸一小块。尝一下味道。
  6. Form small 30g balls from the mixture. Make all the balls before beginning to fry. 把拌好的丝做成30克的小球。在锅里炸.
  7. Fry a few fritters at a time, making sure not to crowd them. Fry until crispy and golden brown, about 3 - 4 minutes. The taro inside should be hot and chewy, not floury or crunchy. 一下不要炸太多。 等炸到金黄。一般3-4分钟,就炸好了。 
  8. Serve immediately with chilli sauce. 吃的时候蘸辣椒酱.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Taste Your Memories: with Rachel O'Connor

Siying's recipe: 

Steam Eggs 蒸蛋


  • Egg 2
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Soy Sauce 1tsp
  • Sesame oil 3 drops (Optional)
  • Warm water 280ml
  • Shallots 1 sliced


  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Whip it well.
  2. Add salt and soy sauce. Stir well.
  3. Pour the water. While pouring, stirring gently the mix
  4. Spoon out the bubbles and foams on the mix surface
  5. Boil water in a steamer. When the water boiled, place the bowl in the steamer and cook for 10minutes.
  6. Sprinkle some shallots and drip the sesame oil and a bit soy sauce before serve 

Rachel's Recipe:

Toastie 烤三明治

Ingredients: 食材

  • White bread, maybe a tip top loaf. 三明治面包。Tiptop牌子的面包
  • A tin of either Hinz baked beans, or Hinz spaghetti. 亨氏烤黄豆罐。或亨氏意面罐
  • Margarine or soft butter. 牛油或人造黄油 

Methods: 做法:

  1. Heat up the toasting iron (we would just call it a Breville growing up as the make of the sandwich press seemed to be the common way to call it, similarly to Xerox or Remington). 三明治机加 (可以用breville Xerox  Remington牌子的三明治机) 
  2. Butter the bread with margarine or soft butter and place the buttered side towards the toasting iron. 在面包片的一面上涂上牛油或人造黄油。把涂黄油的一面朝外。把面包片放在三明治机上。
  3. Spoon in one or two tablespoons of your chosen filling. At the bread on top (butter side outwards) and toast in the press for 5 mins. 在面包片上放上12勺的烤豆或意面。再拿一片面包盖在上面。面包片一面也要涂黄油。黄油的一面朝外。三明治机压下来,烤大约5分钟。
  4. When you open it, you can crack open the edges to let the filling cool. Eat it and be prepared for this to be quite messy.  三明治拿出后,可以掀开一个缝,让里面的馅凉却。吃的时候注意不要让馅挤出。