Saturday, June 13, 2020

Taste Your Memories: with Jayne McSwiney

From Siying & her Dad 

Steamed buns with red bean paste filling 豆沙包

Steamed buns made by Jayne

Part I: Red bean paste
  • Red beans 375g 
  • Oil 1tbs 
  • Brown sugar 1 cup 
  • Maltose syrup 1/2 cup

  1. Soak the beans for 24hrs
  2. Cook the beans either in a pot or a rice cooker or a pressure cooker. When you cook the beans, the amount of water that you add in is just less than how much you usually put in when you cook rice.
  3. After cooking, the beans should be so soft. When you pinch one, it easily breaks into starchy texture.
  4. Pour the cooked beans in a flat pan. Turn on the high heat. Stir. It is to get the water and moisture out from the beans.
  5. Stir for a while. Add brown sugar. Stir. Then add oil. Stir.
  6. Turn the heat into medium. Add Maltose syrup. Stir. Turn to low heat.
  7. You might have to stir for a while to get the beans into a pasty texture. You could taste it while you are stirring to see if you like the level of the sweetness.

Part II: The dough for 6 buns 
  • All purpose flour 300g 
  • Yeast 5g 
  • Baking soda 1g 
  • Warm water 150ml 
  1. Pour the flour in a pot. it’d be better that the pot has a lid. 
  2. Mix yeast and baking soda with warm water in a cup or a bowl. *the water is warmer than tap water. But it should not be boiling hot. Dissolve the yeast and soda well in the water
  3. Add the mix in the flour. Stir.
  4. Once the flour starts to bind together, knead gently in the pot. 
  5. When it is more like a dough, leave it inside the pot. Cover the pot with lid or a plate. Wait for 1.30-2hr. The dough should raise and expand twice as big as the original size. 
  6. Take it out from the pot. Start to knead on the kitchen bench top till the air in the dough is pressed out and smooth.
  7. Form a long shape and cut into 6 parts. Each one is around 50g.
  8. Use a rolling pin to make each dough part into a round wrap. Aim to make the edge of the wrap thinner than the centre. 
  9. Scoop red bean paste, around 70g and shape it into a ball. 
  10. Place the red bean paste ball in the centre of the wrap.
  11. Pinch and pull upward the edge and wrap the dough around the red bean paste.
  12. Leave the buns for another 15-10min and allow the dough to continue raising a bit.
  13. Prepare a steamer. Place a wet cloth at the bottom of the steamer tray. Place all the buns on the tray. Turn the heat high. 
  14. Steam for 30-40min. When you see steams come out from the steamers, it should be ready.
  15. Give them big bites!

From Jayne's Mum 

Bread and Butter Pudding 牛油面包布丁

Bread & butter pudding made by Siying

What you need  / 需要的器材: 
  • Shallow baking dish  /  一个浅烤盘
  • Mixing jug  / 一个搅拌的杯子
Ingredients / 食谱:
  • 6 – 8 slices of old white bread  /  6-8 片白面包。最好是放了几天的面包 
  • Handful of Sultanas (or more to taste)  /  葡萄干。一把。或多一点根据你的喜好。 
  • Butter (to grease dish) and butter on bread  /  牛油。适量 
  • ¼ cup of Sugar  /  糖 ¼ 杯。可以用红糖。 
  • 1 litre of Milk  /  牛奶1升 
  • 3 x Eggs  /  鸡蛋 3个 
  • Cinnamon  /  肉桂粉。适量 
Method: 做法: 
  1. Preheat oven to 180. Bake for 1 hour, but check on it at the 40 min mark. The best way to know if it’s ready is to pierce the pudding with a butter knife or skewer into the middle of the pudding. If it comes out clean it’s ready. It should also be quite bouncy  /  预热烤箱180度。这个布丁总共需要考的大概一个小时。到40分钟的时候检查一下。知道考好的最好方法是那一个竹签或黄油刀插到布丁里。如果刀或竹签抽出是干净的没有粘物就代表好了。 布丁烤完后会有弹性。
  2. Step 1: Grease the baking dish with butter so the bread doesn’t stick to the dish when in the oven  /  用牛油在烤盘里抹一层。润滑作用。 
  3. Step 2: Use old white bread, not fresh bread. Use around 6-8 slices. Cut the crusts off. Either cut or tear the bread into small pieces and butter them  /  把白面包的边切掉。再在斜对角切一半。在每一片的面包上涂一层牛油。 
  4. Step 3: Lay half the amount of bread in the baking dish, then sprinkle the bread with a couple of handfuls of sultanas. (you can put any dried fruit in but we always had sultanas). Also sprinkle in some cinnamon.  /  把涂好黄油的面包摆在烤盘里。铺一层。铺好了后, 在面包上撒一些葡萄干和肉桂粉。 
  5. Step 4: Lay the remaining bread over the sultanas (so the sultanas are in the middle of the pudding)  /  再把涂好的黄油面包铺一层。 
  6. Step 5: Crack 3 eggs, ¼ cup of brown sugar and 1 Litre of milk into a mixing jug, then whisk together until they become one. Then when ready pour this over the bread  /  把鸡蛋和红糖放在一个搅拌碗了,打撒。加入牛奶。搅拌。把混合液倒入烤盘。 
  7. Step 6: Let the bread absorb the milk mixture, let it stand for like 20min …make sure the bread has soaked up as much milky goodness as possible  /  让面包浸20-30分钟。这个时候把烤箱打开预热。设fan-forced, 180度 
  8. Step 7: Sprinkle Cinnamon on top  /  放入烤箱前,撒一些肉桂粉。 
  9. Step 8: Put in oven for around 60 min (depending upon dish size etc and oven) check after 40 min mark and then at 50 and then an hour…it should be golden and spongy. Pierce a knife or skewer through the centre of the pudding. If it comes out clean it’s ready. Don’t be afraid to put it in and out of oven, it’s not a cake…it will not fall.  /  放入烤箱烤60分钟。到40分钟的时候查看一下。用刀或竹签,在中间戳一下,看看有没有液体出来。如果刀和竹签是干的,就好了。 
  10. Step 9: After the pudding is ready and out of oven, let the pudding sit for a few min  /  把烤箱关了后,让布丁放几分钟。 
  11. Step 10: Serve with ice cream, custard or cream…(although I use to pour cold milk over mine)  /  吃的时候,可以配冰激淋,奶黄或奶油。 
  12. Step 11: Eat more!

Jayne's favourite music when she grew up was country music and the songs from the original albums of Alvin and Chipmunks.

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